The Exostar CMMC Ready Suite: Your Comprehensive Compliance Solution

Exostar’s CMMC Ready Suite provides a comprehensive solution for achieving and maintaining today’s and tomorrow’s DFARS compliance challenges. Tick off all the boxes on the CMMC compliance checklist with components that give businesses a clear path to navigate these complexities and secure their position within the DIB:

Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365

We have supercharged Microsoft 365, a tool you know and trust, with the cybersecurity features necessary to meet the requirements for CMMC certification. Easily prepare for your CMMC assessment as it securely stores, processes, and transmits CUI for secure and trusted collaboration with your partners, and protects your intellectual property. We ease NIST SP 800-171 compliance complexity by implementing 85 of its 110 controls out of the box within our secure environment. 

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Screenshot of Exostar’s Managed Microsoft 365 on desktop computer screen.

Two people at a desk working on Certification Assistant on a desktop computer.

Certification Assistant

Confidently complete your NIST SP 800-171 self-assessment, auto-calculate your SPRS (Supplier Performance Risk System) score (as required by DFARS 7019), generate your SSP (System Security Plan) and POA&Ms (Plan of Actions and Milestones) all in one secure place.  

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Exostar PolicyPro

Create, document, and maintain the required NIST SP 800-171 policies. With PolicyPro Builder, you can choose from our template library and establish robust policies that enhance your compliance status, or bring your existing policies up to snuff using our artificial intelligence engine.

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Overhead view of someone using PolicyPro on a laptop computer.

Man holding a stylus using CMMC Assessment on a smart tablet.

Assessment Service for NIST SP 800-171 and CMMC

Receive a third-party NIST SP 800-171/CMMC assessment and gap analysis and walk away with a submission-ready NIST SP 800-171 Basic Assessment, including your SSP, POA&Ms, and SPRS score.  

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Why Choose Exostar’s CMMC Ready Suite?   

Our suite of CMMC certification solutions provides an efficient and effective way to meet current and future DFARS compliance requirements, it simplifies the compliance process and helps reduce the risk of non-compliance for CMMC accreditation. Our CMMC Ready Suite is ideal for the following:   

  • DIB companies that must comply with DFARS-compliant security and cybersecurity clauses  
  • Organizations seeking an efficient, accurate, cost-effective way to meet CMMC compliance requirements and continue participating in government contracts as a prime or subcontractor 
  • Businesses aiming to improve their NIST SP 800-171 assessment score on the DoD’s SPRS, which has become a critical component of DoD evaluation criteria via new DFARS clause 252.204-7024  
  • Prime contractors seeking to improve their supply chain cybersecurity posture and ensure their suppliers meet existing and upcoming DFARS compliance requirements  

CMMC Ready Suite

CMMC Roadmap

Your CMMC 2.0 Journey with Exostar   

Achieving CMMC accreditation verifies that your cybersecurity practices and processes are mature, resilient, and aligned with NIST SP 800-171 controls. Here’s how we assist you at each stage of your journey:   

  1. Define Scope   
  2. Document & Implement   
  3. Submit & Remediate   
  4. Monitor & Manage   
  5. Prepare for Assessment   
  6. Maintain Compliance   

Download: Your Path to CMMC 2.0 Success

Understanding DFARS, NIST, CUI, and CMMC   

DFARS, NIST, CUI, and CMMC are all elements of the compliance equation. Understanding the relationship between these elements is crucial for prime contractors and subcontractors throughout the DoD supply chain.

  • DFARS compliance clauses are contractual requirements that often flow down from primes to subs and define the security and cybersecurity measures DIB companies must meet to win and keep DoD business.   
  • The DFARS 7012 clause sets the mandate for protecting sensitive data known as controlled unclassified information (CUI) within the DIB.  
  • NIST, or the National Institute of Standards and Technology, defines specific standards, like NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-171, for the cybersecurity requirements to protect CUI that get incorporated into DFARS compliance clauses. 
  • CMMC, or Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, which will be enacted via DFARS 7021, takes the self-assessment approach defined in DFARS 7012 one step further, requiring CMMC third-party assessment organizations (C3PAOs) to assess an organization’s NIST SP 800-171 compliance status.  


Exostar's CMMC Ready Suite: Achieving & Maintaining DFARS and CMMC Compliance  

Navigating the complexities of compliance with cybersecurity requirements defined in the Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) clauses can seem daunting. Exostar’s CMMC Ready Suite provides a clear path to achieving and maintaining compliance with current (DFARS 252.204-7012) and forthcoming (DFARS 252.204-7021) clauses. Mitigate risk, avoid severe consequences, and secure your position within the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) with our comprehensive suite of solutions.